martes, 31 de julio de 2012


To really love a woman
Para realmente amar a una mujer
To understand her, you gotta know her deep inside
Y entenderla, tienes que compenetrarte demasiado con ella
Hear every thought, see every dream
Escuchar cada uno de sus pensamientos,
visualizar cada uno de sus sueños
And give her wings, if she wants to fly
Y darle alas, si lo que quiere es volar
Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
Entonces te encontraras indefenso recostado en sus brazos
You know you really love a woman
Sólo así sabrás que realmente amas a una mujer
When you love a woman then tell her
Cuando ames a una mujer, díselo
(todo el tiempo)
That she's really wanted
Eso es lo que realmente ella quiere
When you love a woman then tell her that she's the one
…dile que el la elegida = la única
She needs somebody to tell her
(Ella) necesita de alguien que se lo
 repita todo el tiempo
That it's gonna last forever
Que esto va ha ser algo eterno
So tell me have you ever really
Así que dime, alguna vez realmente
Really really ever loved a woman?
¿…alguna vez has amado a una mujer?
To really love a woman
Para realmente amar a una mujer
Let her hold you
Déjala abrazarte
Till you know how she needs to be touched
Hasta que sepas como necesita ser acariciada
You've gotta breathe her, really taste her
Tendrás que ser como su aliento,
realmente saborearla
Till you can feel her in your blood
Hasta que puedas sentirla en tu sangre
 When you can see your unborn children in her eyes
Cuando puedas ver a tu hijo que todavía no nace en sus ojos
You know you really love a woman
Sabras que…
When you love a woman
Then tell her that she's really wanted
Coméntale que realmente es re-querida
When you love a woman then tell her that she's the one
She needs somebody to tell her
That you'll always be together
So tell me have you ever really 
Really really ever loved a woman?

You got to give her some faith, hold her tight
Tendrás que depositarle tu plena confianza,
abrazarla fuertemente
A little tenderness, you gotta treat her right
Un poco de ternura, tienes que tratarla bien
She will be there for you, takin' good care of you
Ella estará ahí cuando la necesites,
colmándote de atenciones
Ya really gotta love your woman...
Realmente tienes que amar a tu mujer

Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
You know you really love a woman
When you love a woman you tell her
That she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
She needs somebody to tell her
That it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
Really really ever loved a woman?

Just tell me have you ever really
Really, really, ever loved a woman?...

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