miércoles, 28 de abril de 2021




When I'm with you

Cuando estoy contigo
I shake inside

Me estremezco por dentro
My heart's all tangled up

Mi corazón se siente completamente confundido
My tongue is tied, it's crazy

Se me traba la lengua, es una locura

Can't walk, can't talk, can't eat, can't sleep

No puedo caminar, hablar, comer, dormir
Oh, I'm in love, oh, I'm in deep 'cuz baby
…, estoy enamorada, …, estoy loca por ti, ya que cariño
With a kiss you can strip me defenseless

Con un beso me dejas a merced tuyo = indefensa
With a touch I completely lose control

Con una caricia pierdo completamente el control
 All that's left of my strength is a memory, wo
Todo lo que me quedaba de fortaleza es

tan sólo un recuerdo,…
I… get weak when I look at you

Me siento indefensa cuando te veo
Weak when we touch

…cuando nos tocamos = acariciamos
I can't speak when I look in your eyes

Me quedo muda cuando te miro a los ojos
I… get weak when you're next to me

…cuando estas cerca de mi
Weak from this love

Indefensa a causa de este amor
I´m in deep when I look in your eyes
I… get weak…

Convincing eyes, persuasive lips

Ojos convincentes, labios persuasivos
The helpless heart just can't resist their power
Mi  indefenso corazón no puede resistirse a su poder

= a su influencia
You know you've got a hold over me

Sabes que me tienes a tu merced

= … que me controlas
You know you've got me where I want to be 'cuz lover
Sabes que me tienes donde me gusta, ya que cariño
Like a wave you keep pulling me under

Como una ola me arrastras = jalas (debajo)
How I'll ever get out of this? I don't know

¿(Que) cómo saldré de esto? no lo se
I just know there's just no way to fight it, wo…
Tan sólo sé que no hay forma de resistirlo,…
I… get weak when I look at you

Me siento indefensa = a tu merced cuando te miro
Weak when we touch
I can't speak when I look in your eyes
I… get weak when you're next to me
Weak from this love
I'm in deep when I look in your eyes
I… get weak, I get weak, I get weak, wo…
Me siento indefensa = a tu merced

= vulnerable…

I get weak when I look at you
Weak when we touch
I can't speak when I look in your eyes
I… get weak when you're next to me
Weak from this love
I can't speak when I look in your eyes

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