Your only rivers run cold
Your only rivers run cold
Tu único río
fluye estando tan frío
These city lights
These city lights
Estás luces de (la) ciudad
They shine as silver and gold
They shine as silver and gold
Brillan = destellan al
igual que la plata y el oro
Dug from the night
Dug from the night
Extraídos desde la penumbra de la noche
Your eyes as black as coal
Your eyes as black as coal
Tus ojos tan
negros como el carbón
Walk on by
Continúa caminando
Walk on through
Walk on through
Camina sin detenerte
Walk 'til you run
Walk 'til you run
Camina hasta que
te encuentres corriendo
And don't look back
And don't look back
Y no mires = voltees atrás
For here I am
For here I am
Por que = ya que aquí
estoy (yo)
Carnaval = fiesta alegórica
The wheels fly and the colors spin
The wheels fly and the colors spin
Las ruedas giran
y los colores también
Through alcohol
Through alcohol
También las
bebidas con alcohol
Red wine that punctures the skin
Red wine that punctures the skin
Vino tinto que
perfora la piel
Face to face
Face to face
Frente a frente
In a dry and waterless place
In a dry and waterless place
En un lugar seco y carente de agua
Walk on by
Walk on through
So sad to besiege your love so head on
Walk on by
Walk on through
So sad to besiege your love so head on
Demasiado triste
para asediar = acosar a tu amor
así que sigue
Stay in this time
Stay in this time
Permanece = disfruta de
este momento
Stay tonight in a lie
Stay tonight in a lie
Quédate esta
noche en una mentira
= forma parte de
esta farsa
I'm only asking but I
I'm only asking but I
Tan sólo estoy
preguntando pero yo
I think you know
I think you know
Sé que entiendes
Come on take me away…
Come on take me away…
Vamos llévame
Come on take me home
Come on take me home
Vamos llévame a casa
Home again
Home again
Nuevamente a casa
And if the mountain should crumble
And if the mountain should crumble
Y si la montaña
se desmoronase
Or disappear into the sea
Or disappear into the sea
O desapareciera
en el mar
Not a tear, no not I
Not a tear, no not I
derramaría) ni una lágrima,
No, yo no
Stay in this time
Stay tonight in a lie
Ever after
Stay in this time
Stay tonight in a lie
Ever after
Por siempre = permanentemente
This love in time
This love in time
Este amor en el
= a través del
And if you save your love
And if you save your love
Y si salvas = rescatas tu amor
Save it all tonight
Save it all tonight
Hazlo durante toda la noche
Don't push me too far…
Don't push me too far…
No me tientes a
ir = llegar
demasiado lejos…
(En) esta noche…
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