How does it fell babe?
¿Cómo se siente
To taste sweet revenge
To taste sweet revenge
El dulce sabor
de la venganza
Do you want me on my knees?
Do you want me on my knees?
¿Me quieres ver
de rodillas
= sometido?
How does it feel babe?
To let me feel your strength
How does it feel babe?
To let me feel your strength
El hacerme
sentir tu fortaleza
= el rigor de tu
Don't be cruel, can't you see
Don't be cruel, can't you see
No seas cruel,
no te das cuenta
If you don't catch me now
If you don't catch me now
Si no me atrapas
= salvas ahora
I can't stop falling down
I can't stop falling down
No me podre detener = salvar de esta caida
Just one more night and the devil's got my soul
Just one more night and the devil's got my soul
(Tan) sólo una noche
más y el diablo se apoderará de mi alma
I need your love babe don't tell me "No way"
I need your love babe don't tell me "No way"
Requiero de tu
amor cariño, no me digas,
”De ninguna manera”
Babe I miss you so much more than words can say
Nena te extraño muchísimo más de lo que las (simples)
Babe I miss you so much more than words can say
Nena te extraño muchísimo más de lo que las (simples)
palabras pudiesen expresar
How does it feel babe?
To kill our destiny
How does it feel babe?
To kill our destiny
El matar = aniquilar = devastar
nuestro destino
I swear I'm not gonna crawl oh, no
I swear I'm not gonna crawl oh, no
Juro que no me
voy a arrastrar
= no me voy a
How does it feel babe?
To make a fool out of me
How does it feel babe?
To make a fool out of me
El hacerme
sentir como un tonto
How can you be so cold?...
How can you be so cold?...
¿Cómo puedes ser
tan fría = insensible?...
If you don't catch me now
I can't stop falling down
Just one more night and the devil's got my soul
I need your love babe don't treat me this way
If you don't catch me now
I can't stop falling down
Just one more night and the devil's got my soul
I need your love babe don't treat me this way
Te necesito
nena, no me trates de esta forma
Ooh, I miss you...
Ooh, I miss you...
Ooh, te extraño…
Baby our love's got what it takes
Baby our love's got what it takes
Cariño nuestro amor se adaptará = transformará
To give us one more chance to start once again
To give us one more chance to start once again
Para brindarnos
la oportunidad de comenzar
nuevamente desde el principio
Baby our love will find a way
Baby our love will find a way
Cariño nuestro
amor encontrará la forma
As long as we believe in love…
As long as we believe in love…
Mientras que
continuemos creyendo en el amor…
If you don't catch me now
I can't stop falling down
Just one more night and the devil's got my soul
I need your love babe don't leave me this way
I miss you...
Baby our love's got what it takes
To give us one more chance to start once again
Baby our love will find a way
As long as we believe... in love…
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