Telegram force and ready
Telegrama de las fuerzas (armadas)
y debes de estar listo = dispuesto
I knew this was a big mistake
I knew this was a big mistake
Siempre supe que esto era un
grave error
There's a fine line drawing
There's a fine line drawing
Mi vida pende de una línea muy
=…esta en riesgo
My senses together
My senses together
Mis sentidos deben de estar (muy) alerta
And I think it's about to break
(Y esa delgada línea) está a punto de romperse
If I listen close I can hear them singers
And I think it's about to break
(Y esa delgada línea) está a punto de romperse
If I listen close I can hear them singers
Si escucho con atención puedo
a los
Voices in your body coming through on the radio
Voices in your body coming through on the radio
Voces de
alerta que llegan a través de la radio
The Union of the Snake is on the climb
The Union of the Snake is on the climb
La Nación de la
Serpiente está apunto de
Moving up it's gonna race it's gonna break
Moving up it's gonna race it's gonna break
Movilizar sus tropas, para atacar
Through the borderline
A lo largo de la frontera
Nightshades on a warning
Through the borderline
A lo largo de la frontera
Nightshades on a warning
Las sombras nocturnas de
Give me strength at least give me a light
Give me strength at least give me a light
Me dan la fortaleza y finalmente
una luz entre tanta obscuridad
Give me anything even sympathy
Give me anything even sympathy
aunque sea simpatía =
There's a chance you could be right
There's a chance you could be right
Hay una ligera oportunidad de que
tengas razón
If I listen close I can hear them singers
Voices in your body coming through on the radio
The Union of the Snake is on the climb
Moving up it's gonna race it's gonna break
Through the borderline
The Union of the Snake is on the climb
It's gonna race it's gonna break
Gonna move up to the borderline…
If I listen close I can hear them singers
Voices in your body coming through on the radio
The Union of the Snake is on the climb
Moving up it's gonna race it's gonna break
Through the borderline
The Union of the Snake is on the climb
It's gonna race it's gonna break
Gonna move up to the borderline…
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