When the feelin'
is ended
Cuando el
sentimiento se hay terminado
There ain't no use pretendin'
There ain't no use pretendin'
No tiene caso fingir
Don't ya worry… It's only love
Ni te preocupes… tan sólo es el amor
Don't ya worry… It's only love
Ni te preocupes… tan sólo es el amor
= así es el amor
When your world has been shattered
When your world has been shattered
Cuando tu mundo
se haya derrumbado
= colapsado
Ain't nothin' else matters
Ain't nothin' else matters
Y ya nada
It ain't over, It's only love
It ain't over, It's only love
Aún no es el
And that's all, yeah
Y eso es todo, sí
And that's all, yeah
Y eso es todo, sí
When your heart has been broken
Cuando tu
corazón ha sido herido
= lastimado
Hard words have been spoken
Hard words have been spoken
Y palabras
insultantes se hayan escuchado
It ain't easy, but it's only love
No es nada fácil, pero…
And your life ain't worth livin'
It ain't easy, but it's only love
No es nada fácil, pero…
And your life ain't worth livin'
Y tu vida
empiece a carecer de todo sentido
And you're ready to give in
And you're ready to give in
Y estás lista
para desistir
= abandonarlo
Just remember, that it's only love…
Tan sólo recuerda, así es el amor
Just remember, that it's only love…
Tan sólo recuerda, así es el amor
You can live without the aggravation
Puedes vivir sin
la incomodidad
= molestia
Ya gotta wanna win, ya gotta wanna win
Ya gotta wanna win, ya gotta wanna win
Vas a querer
You keep lookin' back in desperation
You keep lookin' back in desperation
Vas a seguir
viendo atrás al pasado con desesperación
Over and over and over again
Over and over and over again
Una, y otra y
otra vez
It's only love, baby…
It's only love, baby…
Así es el amor
When your world has been shattered
Cuando tu mundo
se haya echo añicos
Ain't nothin' else matters
It ain't over, It's only love…
And if your life ain't worth livin'
And you're ready to give in
Just remember, that it's only love
Ain't nothin' else matters
It ain't over, It's only love…
And if your life ain't worth livin'
And you're ready to give in
Just remember, that it's only love
Tan sólo
Ya, that's all…
…, eso es todo…
Ya, that's all…
…, eso es todo…
lindo poema