They cry in the dark, so you can't see their tears
Ellos lloran en la obscuridad, de este modo no podrás
ver sus lágrimas
They hide in the light, so you can't see their fears
Se ocultan de la luz, así no podrás ver sus miedos
Forgive and forget, all the while
Perdona y olvida, todo el tiempo
Love and pain become one and the same
El amor y el dolor son un extremo opuesto de lo mismo
In the eyes of a wounded child
Ha los ojos de un niño herido
Because Hell
Ya que el infierno
Hell Is For Children
El infierno es cosa de niños
And you know that their little lives can become such a mess
Y sabes que sus pequeñas vidas = existencias se
pueden convertir en una desgracia
Hell Is For Children
And you shouldn't have to pay for your love with your
bones and your flesh
Y nunca tendrás que pagar por tu amor con tu ser
It's all so confusing, this brutal abusing
Es todo tan confuso, este abuso brutal
They blacken your eyes, and then apologize
Te ponen los ojos morados = te golpean,
Y luego dicen “Lo siento”
You're daddy's good girl, and don't tell mommy a thing
Eres la niña consentida de papito,
y no le vayas a decir nada a mamita
Be a good little boy, and you'll get a new toy
Sé un buen niño, y te comprare un juguete nuevo
Tell grandma you fell off the swing
Dile a la abuela que te caíste del columpio
Because Hell
Hell Is For Children
And you know that their little lives can become such
a mess
Hell Is For Children
And you shouldn't have to pay for your love with your
bones and your flesh
No, Hell Is For Children
Hell is for Hell
Hell is for Hell
Hell Is For Children…
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